What Is Antfarm Token (ATF)?
Antfarm Token (ATF) is an ERC20 token used to pay all swapping fees on Antfarm Finance, a decentralized exchange (DEX) on Ethereum. It was introduced to fit all the needs of the different stakeholders in the ecosystem.
What Makes ATF Unique?
Being deflationary (15% of the paid fees are burned after every swap) is a core property of the ATF token. This mechanism aims at protecting its holders. With every burn, the value of ATF increases theoretically.
Liquidity Providers can claim their fees at any moment, without any impact on the pool value or volume as these fees are paid with the ATF token. This has many advantages:
- LPs can further custom their strategy by deciding if they should reinvest their collected fees, diversify into new pools or simply keep them in ATF. By introducing the ATF, we give LPs the ability to create new source of earnings, independently from their initial pool strategy.
- Crypto-native projects are incentivised to launch liquidity pools with their own token in the Antfarm ecosystem. It gives them the opportunity to put their stack at work. They can use their collected fees (in ATF) to pay their day-to-day expenses as a company. It prevents them from selling their own token to do so.
- For very risky pairs, if one asset value goes to 0, the LPs will lose all their stake in the pair. Thanks to Antfarm's fee system in ATF, even if one of the assets goes to 0, they would be compensated with a certain % from swapping fees. This is a strong risk mitigation.
Antfarm is even greater when markets are turbulent! This is when most swappers will be drawn to our pools. As ATF are required to pay for all swapping fees, the demand for ATF will be become substantial in such times.
Where is Antfarm Token available for purchase?
You can exchange ATF tokens on both decentralized and centralized crypto platforms. The favored choice for purchasing and trading Antfarm Token is Antfarm (Ethereum) , notably the ATF/WETH pair, which saw a trading volume of $ 665.83 in the past day. Additionally, Antfarm (Avalanche) is popular alternative for trading tokens.
What is the highest value Antfarm Token (ATF) has ever reached?
Antfarm Token (ATF) reached its peak price at 0.2478 $ on 14 March 2024, approximately 6 months ago ago. Presently, the current price is -60.71% lower than this all-time high.
What is the historical minimum price for Antfarm Token (ATF)?
The minimum price reached for Antfarm Token (ATF) was 0.09331 $, documented on 11 September 2024, more than 5 days ago. In comparison, the current price is 4.35%, it above this historical low.
What is the fully diluted valuation of Antfarm Token (ATF)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Antfarm Token (ATF) stands at $ 958,841. This figure reflects the maximum potential market capitalization, considering that the current circulating supply is at its maximum of 10,000,000 ATF tokens. The realization of this FDV might take several years depending on the emission schedule of ATF tokens.
How to add Antfarm Token (ATF) to MetaMask?
By integrating Antfarm Token (ATF) into MetaMask, you gain access to features like monitoring your token balances and trading on decentralized exchanges. To do this, you'll need to import ATF as a token. You can either manually import ATF by copying its contract address (0x518b63da813d46556fea041a88b52e3caa8c16a8) or use MetaMask's Chrome extension to add ATF with a single click through Pirate.Place.
How to add Antfarm Token (ATF) to TrustWallet?
Incorporating Antfarm Token (ATF) into your TrustWallet setup enables you to monitor your token holdings and engage in decentralized exchange transactions, among other functions. To include ATF, you can either manually import it using the contract address (0x518b63da813d46556fea041a88b52e3caa8c16a8) or conveniently add it to Trust Wallet with just one click via Pirate.Place if you've installed Trust Wallet's Chrome extension.
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