A Balancer Linear Pool containing USDC and aUSDC
What is the highest value Balancer Boosted Aave USDC (BB-A-USDC) has ever reached?
Balancer Boosted Aave USDC (BB-A-USDC) reached its peak price at 2.1 $ on 15 January 2025, approximately a few seconds ago ago. Presently, the current price is -79.95% lower than this all-time high.
What is the historical minimum price for Balancer Boosted Aave USDC (BB-A-USDC)?
The minimum price reached for Balancer Boosted Aave USDC (BB-A-USDC) was 0.4207 $, documented on 15 January 2025, more than a few seconds ago. In comparison, the current price is 0.07%, it above this historical low.
What is the fully diluted valuation of Balancer Boosted Aave USDC (BB-A-USDC)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Balancer Boosted Aave USDC (BB-A-USDC) stands at $ 2,18 QDLN.. This figure reflects the maximum potential market capitalization, considering that the current circulating supply is at its maximum of BB-A-USDC tokens. The realization of this FDV might take several years depending on the emission schedule of BB-A-USDC tokens.